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| flag.BoolVar(&useWebhook, "use-webhook", false, "Enable Admission Webhook")
flag.StringVar(&certDir, "webhook-cert-dir", "/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs", "Admission webhook cert/key dir.")
flag.IntVar(&webhookPort, "webhook-port", 9443, "admission webhook listen address")
flag.StringVar(&metricsAddr, "metrics-addr", ":8080", "The address the metric endpoint binds to.")
flag.BoolVar(&enableLeaderElection, "enable-leader-election", false, "Enable leader election for controller manager. Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager.")
flag.StringVar(&leaderElectionNamespace, "leader-election-namespace", "", "Determines the namespace in which the leader election configmap will be created.")
flag.StringVar(&logFilePath, "log-file-path", "", "The file to write logs to.")
flag.Uint64Var(&logFileMaxSize, "log-file-max-size", 1024, "Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to, Unit is megabytes.")
flag.BoolVar(&logDebug, "log-debug", false, "Enable debug logs for development purpose") flag.IntVar(&controllerArgs.RevisionLimit, "revision-limit", 50, "RevisionLimit is the maximum number of revisions that will be maintained. The default value is 50.")
flag.IntVar(&controllerArgs.AppRevisionLimit, "application-revision-limit", 10, "application-revision-limit is the maximum number of application useless revisions that will be maintained, if the useless revisions exceed this number, older ones will be GCed first.The default value is 10.") flag.IntVar(&controllerArgs.DefRevisionLimit, "definition-revision-limit", 20, "definition-revision-limit is the maximum number of component/trait definition useless revisions that will be maintained, if the useless revisions exceed this number, older ones will be GCed first.The default value is 20.") flag.StringVar(&controllerArgs.CustomRevisionHookURL, "custom-revision-hook-url", "", "custom-revision-hook-url is a webhook url which will let KubeVela core to call with applicationConfiguration and component info and return a customized component revision") flag.BoolVar(&controllerArgs.AutoGenWorkloadDefinition, "autogen-workload-definition", true, "Automatic generated workloadDefinition which componentDefinition refers to.")
flag.StringVar(&healthAddr, "health-addr", ":9440", "The address the health endpoint binds to.")
flag.StringVar(&applyOnceOnly, "apply-once-only", "false", "For the purpose of some production environment that workload or trait should not be affected if no spec change, available options: on, off, force.")
flag.StringVar(&disableCaps, "disable-caps", "", "To be disabled builtin capability list.")
flag.StringVar(&storageDriver, "storage-driver", "Local", "Application file save to the storage driver") flag.DurationVar(&commonconfig.ApplicationReSyncPeriod, "application-re-sync-period", 5*time.Minute, "Re-sync period for application to re-sync, also known as the state-keep interval.") flag.DurationVar(&commonconfig.ReconcileTimeout, "reconcile-timeout", time.Minute*3, "the timeout for controller reconcile") ...